Build collective power among BIPOC Artist Disruptors, Culture Bearers, and cultural strategy organizations working at the intersections of art, culture and social justice to accelerate a shift in worldview from domination to liberation, collaboration, care and interdependence.
Create a world where power and culture are distributed equitably, sovereignty and self-determination are honored, and humans are in alignment with nature.
Constellations has a place-based strategy to support regions of the country where BIPOC Artist Disruptors, Culture Bearers and cultural strategy organizations are historically under-resourced due to generational extraction. We are supporting work in the following regions: Southern Border Region, The South, Midwest, Non-continental United States, and Indigenous communities (Sovereign, Tribal and Indigenous Nations and Territories)*.
This map does not indicate the land borders of the Indigenous communities we serve.
*We honor Indigenous communities’ self-determination and sovereignty to identify beyond federal tribal recognition, including but not limited to federally or state recognized tribes, communities establishing inter tribal and tribal affiliations, and those re-tribalizing themselves through land, language, and culture.

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